We are always looking for North Ridgeville items from the past- photos, memorabilia and memories. Contact us with anything you think might be of interest. Photos can be scanned to share, so you can keep the originals, and sharing memories is as easy as making an appointment to be part of our new oral history project.
We’re always looking for ways to take on new projects or keep our current endeavors up to date. Monetary donations help us do the most we can to continue preserving North Ridgeville’s history!
We have many projects in the works that need volunteers. If you can spare a few hours to help at an event or on a project, we’d love to have your help!
Researchers are always needed to find the elusive story behind our museum artifacts, local families, old houses, etc. – research that could be done from home, or a short trip to a local library. If this sounds like something you might enjoy- contact us!
Copyright 2019 © North Ridgeville Historical Society We are not associated with northridgevillehistoricalsociety.org